首页 国际关系视角下的国际法 课程简介

Course Title

(英 文)International Law for International Relations

(中 文)国际关系视角下的国际法


Zhou Xiaoming

First day of classes


Last day of classes


Course Credit


Course Description

Course Introduction

The Course “International Law for International Relations” is a general course for all undergraduates but not majoring in Diplomacy or Law. Within 36 credit hours, the course will cover topics on the definition of IL, history of IL, its subjects, contents, implementation, role and function. With the development of China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Global Governance, China’s implementation on IL meets new challenges and issues. This course will forcus on the hot issues and new challenges and aim at improving students ability and skills on solve international legal issues by using interactive teaching method like MOOC, discussion, role play. etc.


The aim of this course is to teach students of all majors the basics of international law in a flexible and lively manner using an interdisciplinary perspective of international law and international relations, so that students of every major can expand their knowledge and skills in international law, enhance their sense of national and ethnic responsibility, and cultivate a global outlook and a sense of creativity in classroom interactions, thus truly realising the concept of triple-creative education: ‘Becoming, Adulting, and Growing’.

Assignments (essay or other forms)

1. Homework: 15%。

2. Performance: 15%。

3. Term Exam: 70%。

Text Books and Reading Materials

Textbook: 马工程重点教材《国际公法》



Ian Brownlie: Principles of Public International   Law, Oxford University Press, 1998.