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Course Form for WHU Summer School International 2024

Course Title

(英 文)Health Geography

(中 文)健康地理学


Peng Jia

Jaime Hart

Chun Yin

Yuanyuan Shi

First day of classes


Last day of classes


Course Credit


Course   Description

Course Introduction

Health geography is the study of the distribution, diffusion, determinants, and delivery associated with health and health systems in human populations.


This course aims at presenting the fundamental and key concepts and principles of health geography, as well as its most important branch – spatial epidemiology. Students will learn the applications of spatial, digital, statistical, and big data methods in public health research, in particular using these multi-disciplinary methods to address environmental health issues. Students’ critical thinking, English communication and writing skills will also be strengthened through in-class discussion and written assessments.

Assignments   (essay or other forms)

Lab   assignments

Short   essay

Group   project report

Text   Books and Reading Materials

Jia, P. (2019). Spatial lifecourse epidemiology. The Lancet Planetary Health, 3(2), e57-e59.

Jia, P., Lakerveld, J., Wu, J., et al. (2019). Top 10 research priorities in spatial lifecourse   epidemiology. Environmental health perspectives, 127(7), 074501.

Jia, P., Xue, H., Yin, L., Stein, A., Wang, M., & Wang, Y. (2019). Spatial technologies in obesity research: current applications and future promise. Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism, 30(3),   211-223.

Jia, P., Xue, H., Cheng, X., & Wang, Y. (2019). Effects of school neighborhood food environments on childhood obesity at multiple scales: a longitudinal kindergarten cohort study in the USA. BMC medicine, 17(1), 1-15.

Jia, P., Stein, A., James, P., et al. (2019). Earth observation: investigating noncommunicable diseases from space. Annual review of public health, 40, 85-104.

Jia, P., Cheng, X., Xue, H., & Wang, Y. (2017). Applications of geographic information systems (GIS) data and methods in obesity‐related research. Obesity reviews, 18(4), 400-411.

The Outline ofHealth Geography

1. Basic Teaching Information

Course Code3350350013137

Course TitleHealth Geography

FacultySchool of Resource and   Environmental Sciences

Targeted StudentGraduate and   undergraduate students

Course Credit1

Lecture Hours20

consisted of 12 theoretical hours and 8 practical hours

Course Leader

NamePeng Jia




Course Staff

NameYuanyuan Shi




Course Type专业选修课程Optional   Specialty Course

Related Preview CoursesGIS

2. Course Introductionno more than 500 words

Health geography is the study of the distribution, diffusion, determinants, and delivery associated with health and health systems in human populations. This course aims at presenting the fundamental and key concepts and principles of health geography, as well as its most important branch – spatial epidemiology. Students will learn the applications of spatial, digital, statistical, and big data methods in public health research, in particular using these multi-disciplinary methods to address environmental health issues. Students’ critical thinking, English communication and writing skills will also be strengthened through in-class discussion and written assessments. Teaching and learning will be mainly conducted through lectures and labs. Some hours will be used for interactive discussion in the group project, with a written report to be produced for assessment. Upon completing this course, students will be able to grasp a basic but solid understanding of health geography including the use of the basic and common methods in public health research, which will serve as an important basis for further advanced health geography research in their later stages of studies.

3. The Allocation of Content and Lecture Hours


Lecture Hours

Introduction   of health geography


Spatial   technology in health geography


Artificial   intelligence in health geography


Complex   modeling in health geography


Common statistics   in health geography


Case   studies of disease risk factors


Case   studies of chronic diseases


Case   studies of healthcare service delivery


Group   project wrapping-up


4.Assessment Methods and Marking Criterion

Lab assignments (40%)

Short essay (30%)

Group project (30%)

5. Textbooks and References

Jia, P. (2019). Spatial lifecourse epidemiology. The Lancet Planetary Health, 3(2), e57-e59.

Jia, P., Lakerveld, J., Wu, J., et al. (2019). Top 10 research priorities in spatial lifecourse epidemiology. Environmental health perspectives, 127(7), 074501.

Jia, P., Xue, H., Yin, L., Stein, A., Wang, M., & Wang, Y. (2019). Spatial technologies in obesity research: current applications and future promise. Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism, 30(3), 211-223.

Jia, P., Xue, H., Cheng, X., & Wang, Y. (2019). Effects of school neighborhood food environments on childhood obesity at multiple scales: a longitudinal kindergarten cohort study in the USA. BMC medicine, 17(1), 1-15.

Jia, P., Stein, A., James, P., et al. (2019). Earth observation: investigating noncommunicable diseases from space. Annual review of public health, 40, 85-104.

Jia, P., Cheng, X., Xue, H., & Wang, Y. (2017). Applications of geographic information systems (GIS) data and methods in obesity‐related research. Obesity reviews, 18(4), 400-411.