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Course Form for WHU Summer School International 2023

Course Title

(英 文)Hyphenated techniques & elemental  speciation

(中 文)联用技术及元素形态


Man He

First day of classes


Last day of classes


Course Credit


Course Description

Course Introduction

Speciation analysis is a field of analytical chemistry that deals with detection, identification and determination of individual chemical forms of metals and metalloids. The importance of elemental speciation has aroused increasing attention over the last 20 years, which led to a growing demand for analytical techniques capable of providing species-specific information.   Hyphenated Techniques in Speciation Analysis offers a brief but comprehensive overview of hyphenated techniques and their various applications for the determination of chemical forms of trace elements. It brings a succinct presentation of the concept of speciation analysis, gives an overview of techniques based on coupling of chromatography with element and molecule specific detection and summarizes their applications in the fields of environmental and biochemistry and medicine. This course is an invaluable introduction to elemental speciation analysis and also provides undergraduates with a critical overview of relevant research works.


This course aimed to introduce the frontier hot issues of analytical chemistry to the undergraduates majoring in chemistry. Based on their knowledge of analytical chemistry and instrumental analysis, their views will be further broadened with the importance of trace elements and speciation analysis, the important role of hyphenated techniques, and the application examples in real environment and biological samples. It will arouse students' enthusiasm for learning, stimulate their innovative thinking, and provide vivid opportunities for clarifying their research direction or work willingness.

Assignments (essay or other forms)

literature research reports; examination

Text Books and Reading Materials


Hyphenated techniques in speciation analysis. Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry, 2003. xvi,   220. ISBN 0854045457.

The Outline of

Hyphenated techniques and elemental speciation

1. Basic Teaching Information

Course Code3350330011070

Course Title

Hyphenated   techniques and elemental speciation

FacultyDepartment   of chemistry

Targeted Studentundergraduates

Course Credit2

Lecture Hours32

(consisted of 32 theoretical hours and  0   practical hours)

Course Leader

NameMan HE


OfficeDepartment   of chemistry


Course Staff

NameX. Chris   LE


OfficeUniversity of   Alberta E-mail:   xc.le@ualberta.ca

10-102   Clinical Sciences Building URL: www.ualberta.ca/~xcle

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Mobile(780) 492-6416

Course Staff

NameRyszard   LOBINSKI


OfficeIPREM,   Hélioparc, 2, av. Pr. Angot, F-64053   Pau, FRANCE

Mobile33 623897074

Course Staff

NameJingfu   LIU


OfficeState Key   Laboratory of environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology, research center of   ecological environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Course Type:专业选修课程Optional   Specialty Course

Related Preview Courses

Analytical chemistry; instrumental analysis

2. Course Introduction

Speciation analysis is a field of analytical chemistry that deals with detection, identification and determination of individual chemical forms of metals and metalloids. The importance of elemental speciation has aroused increasing attention over the last 20 years, which led to a growing demand for analytical techniques capable of providing species-specific information. Hyphenated Techniques in Speciation Analysis offers a brief but comprehensive overview of hyphenated techniques and their various applications for the determination of chemical forms of trace elements. It brings a succinct presentation of the concept of speciation analysis, gives an overview of techniques based on coupling of chromatography with element and molecule specific detection and summarizes their applications in the fields of environmental and biochemistry and medicine. This course is an invaluable introduction to elemental speciation analysis and also provides undergraduates with a critical overview of relevant research works.

  1. The  Allocation of Content and Lecture Hours


Lecture Hours

Trace elements and their species


Hyphenated techniques




Arsenic speciation


Selenium speciation


Mercury speciation


Metal-containing nanoparticles analysis


Novel sample pretreatment techniques


  1. Assessment      Methods and Marking Criterion

Attendance (10%), questions and test in classroom (10%), literature research reports (30%), and examination (50%)

5. Textbooks and References


Hyphenated techniques in speciation analysis. Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry, 2003. xvi, 220. ISBN 0854045457.