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Course Form for WHU Summer School International 2024

Course Title

Introduction to Advanced Materials and Quantum   Information



Jun He,Weibo Gao, Xiaodong Chen

First day of classes

July 15th

Last day of classes

July 27th

Course Credit


Course Description

Course Introduction

The course aims to provide an overview of cutting-edge research areas in the design and growth control of low-dimensional semiconductor materials, performance modulation, device optimization, quantum information technology, as well as investigations into quantum technology and quantum materials.


The course will provide students with valuable insights and expertise in the latest advancements in modern semiconductor material science and quantum information technology, thereby establishing a strong foundation for future research and engineering applications.

Assignments (essay or other forms)

Essay assignment (written) 70%: Students are required to write a final essay, app. 2500 words (in Chinese or English according to their levels of Chinese), on a specific topic covered in the course.

Classroom participation(30%): Students are required to be active in participating in the classroom activities and discussion.

Text Books and Reading Materials

Quantum Computation and Quantum Information   (10th Anniversary Edition) by Michael A. Nielsen and Isaac L.   Chuang, Cambridge University Press (2010). ISBN-10:9781107002173,   ISBN-13:978-1107002173

The Outline ofIntroduction to Advanced Materials and Quantum Information

1. Basic Teaching Information

Course Code3000320012001

Course TitleIntroduction   to Advanced Materials and Quantum Information

FacultyJun He, Weibo Gao, Xiaodong Chen

Targeted Studentundergraduate student

Course Credit

Lecture Hours32 hours

consisted of _32__ theoretical   hours

Course Leader

NameJun He




Course Staff

NameXiaodong Chen




Course Staff

Nameweibo Gao




Course Type(专业选修课程Optional Specialty Course

Related Preview Courses

Quantum mechanics, semiconductor   physics, solid state physics

2. Course Introduction

This course will introduce the frontier areas of low-dimensional semiconductor material structure design, growth control, performance regulation, and device optimization, quantum information technology, as well as exciton physics and spin physics. Students will gain insights into and mastery of the latest advances in modern semiconductor material science and quantum information technology through this course, laying a solid foundation for future research and engineering practice.

Course Content

Advanced materials

This part of the course aims to develop students' understanding of the fundamental properties and applications of materials science and engineering, covering areas such as energy and sustainability, healthcare, semiconductors and nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence. Promote students' enthusiasm for materials science by stimulating their curiosity and recognizing the interdisciplinary nature of materials science at an early stage.

Quantum Information and Quantum Computing

This part of the course introduces the basic concepts and principles of quantum computing, and discusses quantum information technology and its future development. Simple quantum algorithms include Deutsch algorithm, Deutsch-Josza algorithm and Simon algorithm;3. Quantum Fourier transform and Shor algorithm, search algorithm, 4. Quantum error correction and one-time quantum computing, 5. Physical implementation of quantum computers such as photons.

Quantum Technology and Quantum Material Investigation

1. We are investigating the quantum technology application with the electron spins and photons as qubits. Especially, electron spins in color centers of wide bandgap material can hold long spin coherence time. They are promising candidates for quantum sensing and stationary qubits for quantum communications. Photons act as flying qubits in quantum network and are promising candidates for on-chip integrated photonics quantum computation.

2. We are exploring different candidate for quantum materials such as systems for single photon emitters and 2D material excitons. They can carry different degrees of freedom such as charge, spin or valleys. In our research, we explore their interaction with optical and electric field.

3.The Allocation of Content and Lecture Hours


Lecture Hours

Advanced materials


Quantum Information and   Quantum Computing


4. Assessment Methods and Marking Criterion

Essay assignment (written) 70%: Students are required to write a final essay, app. 2500 words (in Chinese or English according to their levels of Chinese), on a specific topic covered in the course.

Classroom participation(30%): Students are required to be active in participating in the classroom activities and discussion.

5. Textbooks and References

Quantum Computation and Quantum Information (10th Anniversary Edition) by Michael A. Nielsen and Isaac L. Chuang, Cambridge University Press (2010). ISBN-10:9781107002173, ISBN-13:978-1107002173