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Course Title

(英 文)Laboratory Phonology

(中 实验音系学


Dr Hunter Hatfield

First day of classes

June 24, 2024

Last day of classes

July 12, 2024

Course Credit

2 credits/ 32   teaching hours

Course Description

Course Introduction

This course assumes an interest in language but no prior linguistics training. It will introduce the concepts of articulatory phonetics, how speech sounds are made, and then move to acoustic phonetics, how speech sounds are heard. With this foundation, we can also study how speech perception and production work, how we recognize words, and how we learn to perceive multiple languages.


Understand the principles of perceiving and producing speech.

Learn tools of acoustic analysis.

Examine experimental principles.

Document the experience of hearing and speaking multiple languages.

Assignments (essay or other forms)

Test One: Articulatory Phonetics. 25% of Grade. Short test to ensure knowledge of articulatory phonetics.

Test Two: Acoustic Phonetics: 25% of Grade. Short test to ensure knowledge of acoustic phonetics.

Phonetics Research Design: 50% of grade. An 800-word essay the proposes a research question in phonetics and proposes a method to answer. This only needs to present the proposal. The student does not need to actually conduct the experiment.

Text Books and Reading Materials

A selection of book chapters and journal articles will be provided as a course reader. See course outline.

The Outline ofLaboratory Phonology

1. Basic Teaching Information

Course Code3000130012010

Course TitleLaboratory Phonology

FacultySchool of Foreign Languages and Literature

Targeted StudentWuhan   University students, both undergraduates and graduates

Course Credit2

Lecture Hours32

consisted of _22__ theoretical hours and __10__ practical hours

Course Leader

NameDr Hunter Hatfield


Office2048#,, School of Foreign Languages and Literature

Mobile64 02108822654

Course Staff

NameYanyan Zhang


Office3042#,, School of Foreign Languages and Literature


Course TypeOptional Specialty Course

Related Preview Courses

2. Course Introduction

Language is one of the most complicated activities that humans perform, yet it is foundational to our societies, our cultures, and the creation of almost all human knowledge. We use language every day no matter what we study or if we are studying at all. Language often fills our mind itself. Linguistics is the scientific study of language. Despite the great complexity of language, speaking seems very easy for us – at least for the language we grew up speaking. In fact, if a child does not start speaking after a year or two, we will consult with a doctor as if they are ill. We do not do this with a sport or learning a musical instrument. Our brains are somehow built for language, like a bird’s wings are built for flying, and we expect others to use language with us. This course will examine language and our linguistic minds, focusing on the sounds of language, which are the fields of phonetics and phonology.

This course assumes an interest in language but no prior linguistics training. It will introduce the concepts of articulatory phonetics (how speech sounds are made) and then move to acoustic phonetics (how speech sounds are heard). With this foundation, we can also study how speech perception and production work, how we recognize words, and how we learn to perceive multiple languages.

This course is called laboratory phonology because it emphasizes using experimental techniques and measurements, similar to a course in psychology. You will be asked to speak and perceive speech sounds from around the world. With this foundation, we can learn how to make acoustic measurements of speech and design experiments for studying speech sounds.

3. The Allocation of Content and Lecture Hours


Lecture Hours

Introduction to Linguistics


Articulatory Phonetics


Acoustic Phonetics


Syllables and Stress


Speech Perception


Multilingual Speech Perception


Laboratory Phonology


4. Assessment Methods and Marking Criterion

Test One: Articulatory Phonetics. 25% of Grade. Short test to ensure knowledge of articulatory phonetics.

Test Two: Acoustic Phonetics: 25% of Grade. Short test to ensure knowledge of acoustic phonetics.

Phonetics Research Design: 50% of grade. An 800-word essay that proposes a research question in phonetics and proposes a method to answer. This only needs to present the proposal. The student does not need to actually conduct the experiment.

5. Textbooks and References

Introduction to Linguistics and Articulatory Phonetics

Anderson et al. (2022). Essentials of Linguistics, 2nd Edition. eCampusOntario. https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/essentialsoflinguistics2/

Excerpts from Ladefoged, P. & Johnson, K. (2011). A Course in Phonetics (Sixth Edition). Boston: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Companion web site: https://linguistics.berkeley.edu/acip/

Excerpts from Johnson, K. (2011). Acoustic and Auditory Phonetics, 3rd Edition. Wiley Blackwell.